New album by Steve McPeters


Steve McPeters has spent the last few decades performing throughout the Southern California area, playing and singing as a solo act and with a band with his own style of county and rock. He invited John Adorney to co-produce, play and sing background vocals in his new album.

Steve McPeters has opened for acts such as Emmy Lou Harris and Poco and has beautifully crafted songs that evoke a deeper perspective of life.

Here’s John’s comments on the new album:

“Working on Steve’s music was a real pleasure for me – he’s a good friend and a talented songwriter. There’s an honesty and depth to his lyrics that I never tired of hearing, even after hundreds of listens. We’re both thrilled with the way the album came out.”

   ~ John Adorney.

You may sample and purchase the album here. It is not New Age music, though we are always interested in what John is doing.


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