Chakuna Machi Asa – Auroral Magic Review


People travel long distances to experience the northern lights – one of nature’s most spectacular wonders. It is not only about witnessing the light itself but also about its effect on the psyche. Listening to Chakuna Machi Asa’s album “Auroral Magic” – which is being released today – I’m happy to report that the album has much of the same effect. It offers a genre-defying mix that is both invigorating and relaxing. Indeed, the soundscape seems electrically charged, filled with well-crafted melodies, stories, and magic.

Chakuna Machi Asa (aka Chakuna) is an artist, composer, singer, and producer of sound healing music, chakra music, new age music, ambient piano music, and relaxation music. Throughout her life, she has used sound vibration to activate the awakened natural state of universal being and to inspire personal transformation. She offers music, chant, video teachings, and high vibe energy healing tools such as crystals, handmade wands, and jewelry to encourage individuals to explore their spiritual energy. Chakuna is a 2021 COVR Visionary Awards FINALIST in two categories for her music and crystal jewelry.

Blood of our Ghost
“Auroral Magic” is a 12 track album. The opener “Blood of our Ghost” is that kind of song that you feel as much as hear. The hauntingly beautiful singing and melody leave no listener untouched. The “Can you hear me” instructs us to listen while life, death, blood, and ghost become one. It is the twilight zone that is “Auroral Magic”. It is also a bold opening since it is very different from the rest of the album.

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“Elven Magic” sets the atmosphere for the whole album. The sharp synth, vocalization, and ultra-light percussion take us deep into the realm of mysteries and strange creatures. It is superb musical storytelling, taking your mind on an enjoyable ride into the dark unknown. The somewhat abrupt ending makes us pay attention when “Planet Xeron” comes on. The chants are inviting, creating a room of sound that feels both safe and healing. The slow rhythm and angelic humming further intensify this impression. It is one of the finest pieces on the album, a genuine New Age music jewel!

Dancing Reflections
Next out is “Dancing Reflections”. The sound of water, a deep, rumbling synth pad, and gentle piano make up the foundation for this track. You’ll pick up on its reflective mood right away. “The Wind” continues the narrative effortlessly; It is a breathtakingly beautiful piece with a hint of improvisation. It is impossible to tell where or how it will end, which I guess is the very essence of the wind; A hurricane one week and a gentle breeze the next.

My favorite piece on the album is “Time Womb”. Its dramatic, larger-than-life atmosphere takes the listener into the very core of existence, unraveling the matrix of time and how everything is connected. The neo-classical “Blue Moon” makes the mind wander. It is a highly poetic and meditative melody.

Space Shift
One of the fascinating aspects of “Auroral Magic” is, as the title implies, how the ancient earth and the vast space become one, thanks to the magical northern light. Listen to “Space Shift” and you will experience it on many levels. I like the angelic vocalization and ambient melody. Fans of Christel Veraart will be especially impressed. “Space Shift” is uncompromising, bold, and inspired.

A melancholy hangs in the air as “Our Escape” comes on. Some quite eerie textures and breathing almost block out the sound of the piano – yet it keeps on playing its lonely tune, marching on in the hope of an escape. I’m happy to report that positivity is restored as soon as “The Whale Song” plays. It is a warm piece, and the sounds of water are just right. It is easy to envision these graceful animals gliding through the deep ocean thanks to Chakuna Machi Asa’s brilliant composition. Nearer the end, we meet “John”. The sounds of nature place us on the beach, listening to both gentle waves and crickets. The distant piano is lovely, creating a relaxing atmosphere – before the title track rounds off the album. After pieces like “Time Womb” and “Space Shift”, one would think that “Auroral Magic” would be Vangelis-like and awe-inspiring. Instead, Chakuna focuses on how tranquil and tender the northern lights are. It is something you take with you long after the album is done playing.

In conclusion: It is impossible not to be moved and impressed by Chakuna Machi Asa’s “Auroral Magic”. The album is a treasure chest of ancient mysteries, interesting arrangements, and well-made compositions. If you haven’t experienced northern lights, the album will inspire you to check it out whenever possible. The album is great for meditation, reading, or creative work. It will appeal to all New Age music fans; it is very versatile and balanced.

There is a lesson here. “Auroral Magic” tells us to connect with the earth, feel its energy, and – most importantly – to look up at the winter sky whenever possible. Do that, and you will be rewarded.

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