Today marks the release of Louis Anthony deLise’s new album, “A Gift of Moments”. It is a delightful and incredibly well-made homage to love. It is also a reminder to us all that time spent with someone we love, even during quarantine, is a precious gift. “A Gift of Moments” is hands down one of 2021’s finest New Age music releases.
Louis Anthony deLise is an American composer, pianist, and percussionist. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and at age six moved with his family to rural Pennsylvania where he attended the public schools and began his music study. Louis’ first album as featured artist, “Natural Light“, was released in 2019. Also in 2019, Louis’ flute concerto, “Salone del Astor”, was named “Best Newly Published Mixed Duet” by the National Flute Association (NFA) and was premiered by flutists, Joan Sparks, at the NFA’s convention in Orlando, Florida. Dr. deLise was Adjunct Lecturer of Theory and Composition at the Boyer College of Music and Dance (in Philadelphia). He is the author of “The Professional Songwriter”, a textbook on songwriting.
A Gift of Moments
About the title, deLise says: “A Gift of Moments comes from something a friend wrote about her deceased husband. She described their too-short time together as, “a gift of moments.” The title track is also the album opener. As it starts, a heavy melancholy hangs in the air – but a feeling of joy and gratitude soon replaces it. Still, its reflective quality is intact to the very end. The piano and cello duette is breathtakingly beautiful, making the listener hang on to each note.
Make no mistake about it: “A Gift of Moments” is not a “soft” album. “Always in My Heart” could be the soundtrack to a quite dramatic scene in a historical movie. I have been listening to this album for over two months now, and I’m still moved every time by its tear-dropping, neo-classical quality. But don’t take my word for it – check it out yourself:
A Time for Peace
After the emotionally charged “Always in My Heart”, “A Time for Peace” gives time to think and recharge. It is only three and a half minutes long, but its idea of peace and tranquility stays with you for a long time. Next out is the solo piano piece “All Alone”. Its brave sound is both inspiring, reflective, and hopeful.
The finest piece on the album is “The Heart of an Angel”. It is one of those rare melodies that fill the room with a sense of magic and wonder. The first time I heard it, I immediately added it to my personal “all-time best” list. In terms of compositions, it is a jewel – even coming from a true expert like Dr. DeLise. It is proof that great art always has a soft-spoken, “show, don’t tell” quality. Its graceful elegance shows that this is an artist at the very height of his abilities. Bravo Maestro, bravo!
In the Before Times (February 2020)
As of writing, Covid19 is still a force in the world – and the piece “In the Before Times (February 2020)” feels bare and raw. It is impossible not to feel sad about what we all have had to endure during this last year. Hopefully, soon we will be able to listen to “In the Before Times (February 2020)” with a different and less sad mindset. Thankfully, “Gentle Heart” takes the album in a new and brighter direction.
Being a parent is about growing and learning with your children, and the “Song For My Children” sums up hopes and experiences from this lifelong journey. As a parent, it is important to think of each moment with your children as a gift. It can be hard sometimes, I know, but it is the truth (Some parents don’t realize this before their children move out, and then it is too late.)
The end of the album is warm and bright. “Ripples On The Pond” is a romantic piece with flute. I like the different stages and how it twists and turns, making it into a very interesting listen. At this stage, it is necessary to mention all the talented artists deLise works with on this album; see the below list! “At The End Of The Tunnel” is the perfect album closer; its enigmatic atmosphere is something you have to experience for yourself. Is it light at the end of the tunnel? I’m not giving any spoilers!
In conclusion: “A Gift of Moments” is Louis Anthony deLise’s best album to date. It is a magnificent tribute to love, companionship, and good memories. Nostalgic but never sad, romantic yet not overly sweet, deLise’s new album is the ideal soundtrack for some of life’s best of moments. deLise’s message is: Start treating these moments as a gift – and immense gratitude will follow. Highly recommended!
For more information and music samples, visit:
Complete album credits:
Composed, orchestrated, conducted, engineered*, and mixed by
Louis Anthony deLise
Louis Anthony deLise: piano, percussion
John McMurtery: flute and alto flute soloist
Vivian Barton Dozor: cello soloist
Igor Szwec, and Gregory Teperman: violins
Ellen Trainer: viola
Natasha Jaffe: cello
Elizabeth de Lise: acoustic guitar
Christine Hansen: flute
*Strings recordist for “Always in My Heart,” James Gallagher
Mastered by Peter Humphreys at Masterwork Recording
Cover design: Caffeinated Press (
Cover Photography: Lisa Lake; Model: Erin Neupauer
Additional photography: Robert Szatmari
Special thanks to: Joe Renzetti, Dave Moyssiadis, Chuck Jopski, Bruce McFarland, Stephen Paul, and Jon DeLise for critiquing early mixes.