New Single from David Buchs – When You Are With Me


When you are near someone, yet you feel like you are miles away, is a very complex feeling. On his new single “When You Are With Me”, David Buchs manages the impossible; to capture every aspect of this raw emotion. The feeling of closeness and distance is beautifully presented. Check it out and experience it for yourself!

David Buchs is a Brooklyn based composer with music in over sixty episodes of television. His meditative sound has been featured in the directed meditations of Edward Vilga’s Daily Ohm course “A Year To Get Rich With Purpose”, which has been downloaded over 20k times and the RAW Travel Show. In 2018 he released the two EPs “Visions” and “Dreams”.

When You Are With Me
Buchs uses less than 10 seconds to get “When You Are With Me” off the ground and way into the air. If you know his music from before you’ll recognize its unique sound and atmosphere.

“When You Are With Me” is the first song in this episode of Dream Mixtape. 

The single is available on 
Official release date on all platforms is 1 March 2019

I’m very impressed with Buchs’ ability to create a “room of sound”. It is like all other sounds are being blocked out, even when you are not wearing headphones. The listener is being pulled into the music. In other words; it is an exquisite sound design.

Perhaps the most interesting part of “When You Are With Me” is the pad and the gentle textures. Its larger-than-life sound is hard to define. It is warm and positive – and at the same time, frightening and monstrous. Buchs has an amazing ability to create soundscapes that you can literally spend the day in. Just close your eyes.

The ambient melody is fascinating too. It is based upon a few slow chords. To say that it is minimalistic is an understatement. Yet it is all that it has to be – and more. Each chord cut through the air, telling a story of love and life. Notice how soft it is in the beginning, then it gets louder and sharper.

I think that most people, at some point in their lives, experience what this song describes. The feeling of closeness and distance, two extremes, is almost overwhelming. There’s a sense of danger here too, that everything may fall into pieces. Yet at this stage everything is ok.

“When You Are With Me” pushes the boundaries of music and expression. It is another fantastic single from David Buchs, a must-have in any meditation playlist. 

Visit for more music samples.

Get to know the artist:

While you are at it, check out Dreams & Visions: