Brothers by Ackerman, Oster & Eaton


On 30 July, Will Ackerman, Tom Eaton and Jeff Oster will release an album called “Brothers”. It is, according to the trio, “a quiet acoustic album that will remind you of the finest of the Windham Hill releases.”

Below you can listen to the piece “The Confluence” from this upcoming album.

“Brothers” combines Will Ackerman’s Grammy Award-winning acoustic guitar, Jeff Oster’s signature and soulful flugelhorn and trumpet, with Tom Eaton’s textural artistry on piano, keyboards, percussion and electric, acoustic and bass guitars.


Lifelong love.

There for each other no matter what.

For all that we’ve done and for all that’s to come, I am forever grateful.

And now, perfectly captured in these songs.


– Jeff Oster


“This album is entitled Brothers for good reasons.

Tom Eaton is my closest partner in music making… my own and the music of others that we produce. I trust him and marvel at his myriad talents and kindnesses.

Jeff Oster is the best friend my life was missing for many years. The laughter, the irreverence, the sheer joy of just knowing he’s there.

This recording is as blessed a project as one could dream of.

This is truly the work of brothers.”

– Will Ackerman


“The title almost says it all. There is no doubt that we are Brothers,
but for me the most important part is that we chose each other.

The three of us have made music so many times together, in so many different configurations, but here, when we turn our energies towards each other, we uncover an even deeper bond, and a true collective voice.

I am honored to stand with these two guys who have inspired me
countless times as a Brother in life and music.

I hope you love the music as much as we loved making it. ”

– Tom Eaton

Truly, we are brothers in music and in life.”

For more information – and to pre-order – see