Karen Biehl – Falling Snow 


“Snowflakes are like kisses from heaven,” my four-year-old daughter recently told me. When we become adults, though, we lose that sense of magic that comes with falling snow. We tend to think of it as a hassle. Even people who love skiing can be negative when snow piles make the daily commute into a white nightmare.  Karen Biehl’s new single, “Falling Snow”, contains none of these grown-up emotions. It captures a child’s experience on the first day of winter, totally mesmerized by this nature’s wonder. “Falling Snow” is a breathtakingly beautiful single that fits well in Christmas and winter playlist. 

Karen Biehl has studied with former Metropolitan Opera star Thomas Hayward before completing her master’s degree at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. She is also classically trained in piano and violin. For “Starlight Dreams”, released in November 2018, the readers and listeners here on Newagemusic.guide awarded Biehl the Best Solo Piano 2018 awardIn 2019 and 2020, Biehl has released several singles; “Portal to Peace, “As It Was, Ages Hence”,  “Echoing Canyon” ( I & II), “The Aftermath“, “Reflections” – to name a few. See the complete list on Spotify

This Holiday season has so far been wonderful for us Karen Biehl fans! Two weeks ago, we saw the release of Biehl’s four different versions of “The Snow Lay on the Ground” – and last week, she released a version of “Silent Night“. If you missed those pieces, do check them out; they fit perfectly in any Christmas playlist!

Falling Snow
I guess a piece called “Falling Snow” had to be gentle. That said, it is an extremely tender and sweet-tempered melody – played by a master pianist. Each note is like a snowflake, perfect, and unique.

“Falling Snow” is less than two minutes long, but it is filled with life and movement. Notice the darker notes around 30 seconds and onwards. This is not just about snow, but games and laughter in this joyous winter wonderland.

When listening, try to block any negativity you might have against snow – and take it all in with childlike enthusiasm. And perhaps these two lines from “Let It Snow!” by Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne can be helpful before pressing play?

And since we’ve no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow 

Here is some exciting news for you! Karen Biehl and Fransoafran will release a piano and strings version of this piece on December 18! Stay tuned 🙂


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