Enya 2017 Update – What now?


In November 2015 we saw the successful release of «Dark Sky Island» and there was some talk of live performances as well – though no shows have so far been announced. What can we expect from Enya at this point in her career?

It is kind of a philosophical question; what can fans demand from an artist? Nothing really. But looking at writers such as George R.R. Martin and J. K. Rowling, fans always want new material and fresh releases. News from Enya is welcome to her millions of fans. We always want more.

Enya 2017 News
Before the release of “Dark Sky Island”, it was apparent that something had to be done. Enya had not released an album for 7 years, and her numbers on the new streaming formats were hurting. “Dark Sky Island” changed everything. It became the smash hit Enya had hoped for, and even the critics – who have harsh in the past – were quite happy with the result.

In light of “Dark Sky Island”s success, Enya really don’t have to do anything for years to come. She could publish a «best of» album a few years down the line, perhaps with one or two new songs, and perhaps even announce her retirement. Needless to say; she has got the money for it and little desire for more fame.

Why try harder?
If “Dark Sky Island” had not been such a success, the pressure would have been on Enya to do something new – like a live tour or a quick follow-up album. But Enya was not forgotten. She is still a superstar.

News about a tour or new album would be great, but is not likely. The reason is simple; it is not necessary. With new projects always come the risk for failure, monetary loss and bad press. Instead we might see safe TV concerts like the one at the historic Honan Chapelt, University College Cork, UK, last year.

So no, there’s not going to be any big news from Enya in 2017. But the Enya fan in me hopes that I am wrong. We all dream of a worldwide, 20+ city station tour, “Ellen Show” interview and a fresh, triple LP album release. Only if…

Picture by Niall More. Used under license


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