Take Lessons with David Lanz


davidlanzHere is your chance to spend up close and quality personal time with Grammy nominated composer and pianist David Lanz.

For the very first time he is opening up his new home in Upstate NY and offering his “4 days with David Lanz” workshop, private lessons and concert event. This has been ongoing on the West Coast for many years, but now not only will folks closer to the East Coast be able to take advantage of this life changing event, but it all takes place in David’s private home!

This coming March 27-30, will be the first of these events, and attendance is limited.

The “4 days with David Lanz” was originally designed for pianists and composers, however, if you just consider yourselves a Music Lover, not a pianist/musician, but always wanted to know more about David’s creative process and the behind the scenes activities of making, performing, and recording music, we have a special deal for you as well!

The full 4 day event includes 2 workshops, 2 private lessons with David, daily light refreshments, the concert event on Saturday night with more refreshments, and all the in home private social time spent with David and the other attendees. ($980)

The Music Lovers package deal includes all the above, without the private lessons. ($580)

If you sign up for either plan and want to bring your spouse/partner to observe, their cost will be only $280 to sit in on your lessons/workshops and enjoy the concert etc!

Order soon as space is very limited. More details here: http://www.davidlanz.com/march-four-days.html


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