Enya Makes Driver Avoid Crash


A Utah man claims his Enya background music helped when he nearly got in a head-on crash. Check out the video here!

From the Fox13 Salt Lake City coverage:

“Trent Nielsen of Murray was hauling an 18-foot trailer behind his pickup truck on I-15 in Davis County on March 4 when another car lost control on the freeway. (…)

He said his trailer missed the car by about a foot and a half.

And as for that song selection?

“Enya always,” Nielsen said. “I was just going with the flow of the music, just rolling with the flow.”

See the story from Fox13:

We have always said that Enya is good for you – and the above video proves that we were right! 🙂

Above picture by Niall More – CC BY-SA 3.0


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