Gen. David Petraeus – A New Age Music Fan



In the new book by Jill Kelley, “Collateral Damage”, there is a revelation; Gen. David Petraeus, the four-star general, is a fan of New Age music!

The Washington Post writes:

Kelley recounts how her friend returned from Afghanistan in 2011 to head the CIA, and she found him a changed man. (A condensed recap of the Petraeus scandal: The general had an affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, who would later send Kelley threatening anonymous emails. Kelley reported the missives, and in the process of the FBI’s investigation, Petraeus’s affair was revealed.)“He was listening to different music, and tried to encourage me to listen to some of his newfound favorite artists like Enya,” Kelley wrote.
Kelley includes a photo of a list the general wrote out for her on CIA Director letterhead of some albums she might want to check out. They were “Loreena McKennitt — Greatest Hits; Enya; and Sarah McLachlan — Greatest Hits.”

The book “Collateral Damage” is available on Amazon.



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