2023 Best New Age, Ambient, or Chant Album GRAMMY


Check out the nominations for New Age, Ambient, or Chant Grammy. 

The 2023 GRAMMYs take place Sunday, Feb. 5. The 2023 GRAMMYs, officially known as the 65th GRAMMY Awards, will air live on Sunday, Feb. 5, from Los Angeles’ Crypto.com Arena, and it will broadcast live on the CBS Television Network.


Positano Songs
Will Ackerman


Paul Avgerinos


Mantra Americana
Madi Das & Dave Stringer With Bhakti Without Borders


The Passenger
Cheryl B. Engelhardt


Mystic Mirror
White Sun


Congratulations to all! 🙂

See all the Grammy 2023 nominations here.

For your information: The Grammy category formerly known as “Best New Age Album” has for 2023 been renamed “Best New Age, Ambient Or Chant Album” and the Field name has also been updated to reflect that change.



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