Interview with Cheryl B. Engelhardt


Newspaper Times Union has an interview with Cheryl B. Engelhardt, who is nominated for Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album for her album The Passenger.

Jaime Stathis writes: “New Paltz resident Cheryl B. Engelhardt was 2 1/2 years old when her parents took her to her first live music event, a piano concert. The toddler sat mesmerized and wanting to hear the music without distraction, put a chubby finger to her lips and shushed the people around her. A few decades later, she’s Grammy-nominated for Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album.

Engelhardt’s love of music continued through high school and into college at Cornell University, where she majored in marine biology. She took music classes as electives, but her advisor pointed out she almost had enough credits for a double major. Engelhardt only took one marine biology job after graduation, and since then her career has been all about music. ”

Read the interview here.

See our full Cheryl B. Engelhardt coverage here.

BTW, here is the official Grammy Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album playlist:


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