Interview with Tom Eaton about his group’s Grammy Nomination


New Hampshire Public Radio has an interview with Tom Eaton about his group’s recent Grammy Nomination. “Consistency inside a song, to me, means that you never break the world that you’ve created. It’s really important to me as a musician and as a mastering engineer,” says Tom.

NHPR’s Peter Biello sat down with Eaton to talk about his music career and what this nomination means to him. You can listen to the whole interview here.

This is the start of the interview:

“Peter Biello: I wanted to get to know you a little bit as far as your musical background because you started your interest in music back in high school, right?

Tom Eaton: I did. As a kid, I played saxophone in the typical kind of things you do in elementary school, but I started playing piano kind of seriously in high school and started dabbling in electronic music in high school, and that opened a whole bunch of doors for me as time went on.

Peter Biello: And now you are nominated for a Grammy for New Age Music. Can you tell us a little bit about how you got into New Age music?

Tom Eaton: New Age music is… the category I think is a construct as all the musical categories are. Most of the people who work in that genre don’t even know what the genre is, I think.

Peter Biello: I was going to say, how do you feel about those words, New Age, to describe your music?

Tom Eaton: Well, it’s interesting to describe a 40-year-old genre as New Age, like, you know, New Wave music or whatever. But, whatever it is, it kind of describes music maybe that’s instrumental mostly and has some kind of relaxation or spiritual quality to it.

Peter Biello: But it’s essentially instrumental music that’s emotionally evocative.

Tom Eaton: Sure.”

Read the interview here.

While you are at it, see our raving review of Brothers

BTW: Tom is not the only New Age music superstar that’s not a big fan of the genre name. It is actually quite normal. Just ask Yanni, Enya or Mike Oldfield.