‘New Age Becomes Old Age Very Quickly’



In connection with the release of Sensuous Chill, Scott Simon of NPR did an interview with Yanni. Here we get to learn quite a bit about this musical project, and how it is different from Yanni’s other releases.

It goes like this:

Scott Simon: What is a sensuous chill?

Yanni: It was a concept; I’ve had it for quite some time. I wanted it to create an environment for the listener that was a sensuous environment, a melodious environment and a sexy environment at the same time.

Excuse me, I think I’m getting a sensuous chill! [Laughs] [Laughs] They didn’t tell me you’re funny! I’m in trouble now.

No, nobody really thinks that. But I’m glad you and I can.

So, it has taken me five years to create something like that. It didn’t come easy. And I took a long, long time figuring out which songs to pick and which order to present them in. So it is meant to be: You put it on your CD player or whatever else you have, put it on repeat and forget about it. It’s not a demanding album. Someone is not going to jump out in the middle of the album and pull your shirt and say, “Listen to me, I’m doing a guitar solo,” or, “Listen to me, I’m doing a violin solo.” It’s not the idea. The idea is to put you in a mood that’s consistent, that is enjoyable, and keep you there.

Listen to the complete interview here: