New Interview with George Winston


Dan Bolles at Vermont newspaper Seven Days has made an interview with George Winston. Check it out – it is a great read!

It starts like this:

“Ahead of Winston’s performance on Friday, December 1, at Middlebury’s Town Hall Theater, Seven Days caught up with the composer by phone as he drove to a gig in Richmond, Va.

SEVEN DAYS: You drive to nearly all of your gigs. Do you have a fear of flying?

GEORGE WINSTON: I haven’t flown in years. I prefer driving. I don’t mind flying, but driving, you get the scenery, the seasons. And driving, the minute one concert ends the other begins. You begin thinking about the next concert while traveling to the next place. It’s all part of it; it all adds in.

SD: And it’s a great way to see the country.

GW: I think I’ve been on more roads than anybody in the history of the country. I’d love to work with the secretary of transportation. I would have some advice.

SD: Such as?

GW: Check all the bridges, don’t make any roundabouts and only do one-way streets if it’s a narrow alley.

SD: You’re not a fan of roundabouts, huh? We have a rather infamous one here that no one seems to know how to use.

GW: Well, if there’s a bunch of cars and no stop signs, you can’t get on it. Nobody wants them in their neighborhoods. That’s the way things are a lot. Like one-way streets — sometimes you’ve got to go 19 blocks to get lunch. So those are my three things: Check the bridges regularly, no more roundabouts or one-way streets. Two-way is good.”

Read the complete interview here.



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