New Age Music Chart – January 2019 presents the

New Age Music Chart (NAMC)

January 2019

Name // Album // Score // Months in Chart

1.  Vangelis – Nocturne (10.0) (1)

2. Nicholas Gunn – Riding the Thermals (9.7) (1)

3. Enya – Dark Sky Island (9.0) (13)


4. KeithTim Anderson – Waiting’s End (8.8) (1)

5. Collection – EverSound 20th Anniversary CD (8.2) (2)

6. John Adorney – Invisible Songbird  (8.0) (6)

7. Karen Biehl – Starlight Dreams (7.7) (3)

8. Michael Kollwitz – Serenity III (7.2) (1)

9. Dead Can Dance – Dionysus (7.0) (1)

10. Enigma – Fall of A Rebel Angel (6.9) (12)

See the chart for:
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018

The score is based on two factors; (1) The popularity of an artist’s tag on, and (2) Number of requests for songs from an album, to be played on New Age Stars.