Two New Singles from Curtis Macdonald


Curtis Macdonald has released two new signles from his CD “Breeze”; “Expedition” and “Follow Where the Wind Blows”.

In his newsletter, Curtis writes: 

“Summer is upon us and I hope that you and your friends are planning a great escape with a well deserved vacation. Two new singles from the CD “Breeze” may be the perfect soundtrack to your adventures. All is well on my front, creating new music and experimenting with new instrumentation and forms. Expect something a little different with my next release. And what’s different now? I hit a milestone this year turning 55 years of age. Celebrating my life achievements and embracing my age, I’ve updated my branding image. The hair may be retreating, but the enthusiasm for music never ends. Have a wonderful Summer of 2017 and thanks for listening. ”

Check out Curtis’ music on his CD Baby page. What a wonderful artist!