Clifford White – The Heaven Sent Series


Clifford White’s The Heaven Sent Series is a collection of spiritually inspired music albums. They explore different spiritual dimensions, from contemplative to romance. 

Clifford White was only 17 years old when he debuted on New World Music in 1985 with Ascension. He has since then been one of the most popular artists on the New Age music scene. He has released a four-album release before; Synergy in 2019. In 2020, he released Ice Age I and Ice Age II.

Without further ado, here is the complete Heaven Sent Series:

Heaven Sent


Higher Power


Mystic Heart


Healing Waters


From the deeply contemplative and peaceful first album Heaven Sent, to the second album Higher Power, with its powerful and awe-inspiring majesty, followed by the third album Mystic Heart, with its classical reveries and haunting melodies, to the final volume Healing Waters, with its refreshing watery themes and lighthearted romance, this collection of instrumental music albums will take the listener on a journey that will inspire the senses and revitalize the soul.

The albums are available on Clifford White’s homepage.

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