The Haiku Project – Flow review



There’s something very relaxing about steady and constant movements. The feeling of being a drift and flowing, perhaps in deep space or in the middle of an imaginary ocean, makes everyday problems seem small and unimportant. This is the atmosphere The Haiku Project communicates on the album Flow (2009) – which now has been re-released on the Real Music label.

It is an art to use synth pads right. Pads can be everything from boring and uninspired, to larger-than-life, Vangelis style amazing. I think that The Haiku Project on most tracks sounds great; here we get layers of deep, rich pads with slow ambient melodies. The Haiku Project is Henrik Hytteball, a Danish musician who began his musical career playing in various rock bands. In 2006 he released his first album of ambient music, Haiku. Real Music is now re-releasing his 2009 album, Flow.

The first track, the 7 minute Atlantis, is great. There’s something almost hypnotic about its sound; not unlike seeing the sunken island of Atlantis I guess. Track no. two, Eternity, is amazing. I’m more unsure about the 10 minut long Crystal Bath. The main synth instrument sounds a bit harsh.

On Flow we get at total of 67 minutes of relaxing, meditative music. So if you are looking for some new tracks for your playlist, this is an album to check out.

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