John Adorney – A World Awakens



The title of John Adorney’s upcoming album is “A World Awakens”, and it’s nearing its final stages of completion.

This spring a crowdfunding campagin has been held. John says:

“For the past year, I have been working on a CD of 12 all-new tracks. In order to make these final steps possible, I needed your help — and so I conducted a crowdfunding campaign through my website. Total contributions received $5,970 (toward our goal of $10,000) from 100 backers! The deadline is past, but we’re accepting stragglers! If you want to jump in late, click here.”


Does a CD need crowdfunding these days? Well, let me give you an example: In the last 3 months of 2015, people listened to my piece “Dance of the Moon and Stars” for free on the internet 43,035 times. Total revenue in royalties: $6.98. The reality is that CD sales and downloads are on a steady decline, so most artists are no longer able to support themselves while making music. Most people now stream their music from the internet rather than buy it, so we are officially in the Age of Patronage!!”

Here you can sample the album, and you’ll find a “Making of” too below that.