The Path to Inner Peace



If you need a reason to look forward to the summer, here’s one; on June 3 Rajendra Teredesai, who is among India’s leading classical bansuri (Indian bamboo flute) virtuosos, will release an album called Moksha – The Path to Inner Peace – Flute Meditations. It is a follow-up to last year’s highly successful Crosswinds – World Flute Conversations.

Moksha is the highest goal attained through union with the Divine. These ancient Indian ragas, when played on the bansuri flute, are known to create a deeply calming effect on the listener, facilitating inner peace and deep relaxation. They are time-tested for specific hours of the day (Dawn, Morning, Noon, Sunset, Twilight and Night) and, as such, are ideally heard when aligned with the mentioned times, keeping their deeply meditative and spiritual qualities in mind.

Moksha – The Path to Inner Peace – Flute Meditations will be released on the Real Music label.

While we are waiting, why not check out this taste of Crosswinds – World Flute Conversations:


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