New Album by Samer Fanek


On December 11th 2018 Samer Fanek releases his new album “Guide Me”. The album takes you through a piano-driven musical journey with Samer’s signature style of melodic, powerful and dramatic instrumental music, blending orchestral elements and synthesizers, alongside some emotional piano solo tracks.

“Guide Me” contains 11 original instrumental compositions, produced and recorded in Samer’s home studio in Daly City, California.

Sample the album here: 

Best position in the charts so far: In a few days, it achieved the following:
#1 album on the Best Sellers in New Age chart
#1 album on the Hot New Releases in New Age chart
#1 album on the Movers and Shakers chart for all albums
#28 album on the Best Sellers for all albums

Preorder links: (those who preorder get to listen to track #4 in full immediately)
Official website:
Google Play:

It looks like Samer’s many fans are getting an early Christmas present this year!

We will of course return with a full review of “Guide Me”. In the meantime, do check out the above video and links!

And while you are at it, take a look at Samer’s homepage too.