Samsara by Rajendra Teredesai and BlueMonk


Rajendra Teredesai and BlueMonk is soon to release an album called “Samsara”. It is a musical interpretation of the eternal cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. It weaves an intriguing path through the many facets of one person’s journey.

Here’s the album sampler: 

The album is due to be released on August 17, 2018.

Teredesai describes the track “Conversation With God” as “The prince then has a conversation with God wherein he questions the purpose of human life and his very own existence. God replies that this life is like a mirage — a sword of maya or illusion, a pseudo-reality far from the eternal truth of life. Each person must tread their own path to seek the ultimate truth.

You may pre-order the album on the Real Music homepage


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