The Healing Sounds of Prayer


Manish Vyas will this fall release an album on New Earth Records called Atma Bhakti. Here’s a presentation of the album:

The magic of Bansuri, enchanting and hypnotic vocals, Indian harp, tanpura, Buddhist bells, devotional mantras and prayers, softly and beautifully combine to give a sense of overall peace and well being, as if being caressed by a loving touch. These pieces are an invitation to let go, to forget time and space, to decelerate from the outer world, fuse with existence… and simple just ‘be’.

ATMA (mantra ‘mangalam’)
Mangalam or auspiciousness, related to the Goddess Durga suggesting “one whose touch brings bliss.” A mantra recited for the general well being of the creation all around us, wishing everyone happiness, peace, health and prosperity. Mangalam Bhagavan Vishnum
Mangalam Garudadhwajah
Mangalam Pundareekaksham
Managalaya tano hari
All auspiciousness to God Vishnu
All auspiciousness to One who has Garuda as His ag
All auspiciousness to One who has eyes like the lotus owers
And auspiciousness to Hari

BHAKTI (mantra ‘shivaya namaha om’)
A mantra for God Shiva, of divine-love, grace and truth. The nature of the mantra is the calling upon the higher self and its recitation is considered food for the body and nectar for the soul. Shivaya namaha om, shivaya namaha
Shivaya namaha om, namaha shivaya
Adoration to Shiva. Om.

A powerful prayer combining dierent mantras, sung in the style of the prayers heard in Hindu temples, where devotees pray, thank and invoke their deities for auspiciousness and protection.

Release date is November 13, 2015.

See New Earth Records for more information.