Love’s River – Laura Sullivan review



Grammy Coverage: In Laura Sullivan’s music there’s beauty and elegance in abundance. Her new release is called Love’s River. It shows that you don’t have to be loud to be heard. You don’t have to be complex or use a lot of effects either. By doing her thing she has earned a Grammy nomination.

There are many excellent piano releases out there, and as a reviewer I have gotten used to the sound of Steinway pianos and ultra high recording quality. Love’s River is a bit different. Here many tracks (though not all) are played on electronic piano. This is interestingly enough not a drawback due to Laura Sullivan’s low-key and honest style. The music speaks for itself. I’m not even sure if “real” instruments would have made any difference on these tracks. It is almost refreshing to hear a piano player that dare to use synths – and do it so well. Other tracks, like the title track, have a more acoustic feel.

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Just by looking on the titles you can sense what Laura Sullivan has in store for us; To wish on a dandelion, Snowfall on water and Moonlight Passage. It might seem a bit sugar sweet, but it really isn’t. The album is as fresh as a summer’s day.

I very much like the eight minute long Calligraphy, and how the song progresses. It is musical story telling at its best. I cannot say the same about the song Story of the rain, which seems a bit chaotic and doesn’t lead anywhere. But that is all forgotten with Snowfall on water. It is beautiful beyond words.

Love’s River is not for everyone. If gentle ballads are not your thing, you should look somewhere else. But the album has much to offer for any piano music fan. If you want a beautiful soundtrack to brighten your day, Love’s River is a perfect choice.

Score: 86/100. See how I rate music here.

Sample the music here:


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