New Age Stars Radio Awards 2013


2013 has given us many excellent New Age music releases to choose from. It is easier than ever to release music, and every PC (or mobile phone!) can serve as a complete studio. Artists don’t need a label to release music or gain access to the global market place. It is open to everybody. But still the quality level is generally very high. A big THANK YOU to all hard working artists and labels!

It is a privilege to be able to share so much great music with you. On New Age Stars Radio we have this year alone served over 500.000 hours of music, and soon 10.000 Live365 listeners will have the channel in their presets. Here on the New Age Music Blog we have reviewed most major releases in the genre, and every album tagged as New Age music on iTunes and Amazon have been sampled. There’s just so much great music out there. But some artists and albums are in a category of their own. Below is our selection of this year’s best releases – and 2013’s best artist.

Congratulations to all! See previous winners here: 2008, 2009, 2010