Orenda Blu – Earthsong Review


Orenda Blu’s new album “Earthsong” is both alarming and comforting at the same time. With a brutal, “a storm is coming” honesty, Orenda Blu describes this planet’s sorry state. But “Earthsong” is also a profoundly hopeful album. If we only work together – young and old – this beautiful blue planet can be saved. “Earthsong” is a delightful and well-crafted New Age music/pop crossover album that will please both new and old fans. It is a much-needed wake-up call for us all.

Orenda Blu’s first album, “Sacred Chants” (2011), received the silver medal for Best Inner Space/Meditation/Healing Music by the Coalition of Visionary Resources. Their second release, “Chants Of Love & Light” (2013), was featured in the Daily Om and opened doors such as Prana Fest, Shakti Fest, and Bhakti Festival Of Hope In Ireland. “Earthsong” marks the return to Lead Vocalist and Writer Emily Tessmer’s roots of songwriting and storytelling.

The latest episode of Dream Mixtape is dedicated to “Earthsong”: 

The album starts with the title song. “Earthsong” is about realizing what’s going on; There no time to waste, this is a time of action. The severe topic aside, it is a feel-good pop song which focuses on how we can save this planet together – and how this may bind us together on a global scale. Saving the planet is a common goal wherever we live. “Earthsong” has the production qualities of an A-list song, and Emily Tessmer’s vocal is outstanding. In short; a fabulous opening!

If “Earthsong” didn’t convince you, “Bring on the Light” will. The upbeat atmosphere is replaced by a deep-rooted seriousness. The truth has been revealed, our eyes are open – no more looking away. It is a call to action. We’re no longer walking in the dark. Again I’m amazed by the production itself and the many layers of sound.

The Gloaming
Light is also a topic on “The Gloaming.” It is a wonderful pop melody with a gorgeous guitar and flute segment in the end. The song speaks directly to a “we,” which I believe are the people who can make a change in this world. It is a powerful message. It is a catchy song that you’ll enjoy from the first listen.

With “Tohora” the album shifts gear. Now we find ourselves in the ocean, swimming among the whales – praying for forgiveness for the damage we have caused, asking for guidance. The only cure seems to “return to silence.” “Tohora” is beautiful beyond words. Back on dry land, we are ready to worship the “Wise One.” I love the pop song’s heavy New Age-y twist. It is a perfect unity of the genres, easily on par with Seay and Sangeeta Kaur. If New Age music ever is going to get another A-list artist like Enya, Yanni or Mike Oldfield- this is the sound. What a superb song by Orenda Blu!

“Cathedrals” it a quiet and thought-provoking piece. Like a well-written poem, each sentence is charged with meaning. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself looking for the replay button when Emily ends the song with: “A storm is coming, beware.” It is a message you can decrypt with your heart.

Orenda Blu’s version of the traditional Irish folk song “She Moved Through the Fair” feels like a gift on this stage of the album, a time to breathe and reflect. It fits Tessmer’s vocal wonderfully, and the arrangement with flute, light percussion and synths is terrific. “Ënita” ends the album on a high note. The song guides us home, telling us that everything will be ok. Its warm atmosphere makes 5 minutes fly away in an instant.

I must not forget to mention the cover. I think it is a comment on how saving this beautiful planet starts with ourselves, in our mind. By being the change and taking care of the environment, we do our part.

In conclusion: Orenda Blu’s “Earthsong” is just what this planet needs right now. It is about realizing what’s going on before it is too late. Its pop/crossover sound makes the album accessible far outside the New Age music realm. “Earthsong” marks a very welcome return of Emily Tessmer’s vocal, and is an excellent addition to the band’s discography. It is, in short, an album too important to miss. Be inspired by “Earthsong”!

Score: 94/100 – See our scoring policy

For more music samples and information, see orendablu.com/home

Check out the album on Spotify:


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