New Age Music Chart – September 2020


2020 has shown us the importance of the small things in life. Music is one of these things – and I’m sure many will agree that it has helped tremendously during this difficult time. Music is there for you, whenever you need it.

A big thanks to the many hundreds that have taken the time to request music lately! The below chart would not have been possible without you. It was extremely even between Matthew Mayer and last month’s no. 1, Cheryl B. Engelhardt. Both albums are deserving of many awards. That said, BlueMonk and Michael Whalen could easily have taken the no. 1 spot, since the “Karmic Dreams” review was the most popular feature on this page in September – but we did not receive that many requests. And, to complete the story, if Andreas Vollenweider’s “Quiet Places” had been released in September, he would have been number 1 by far! We have a policy of not having unreleased albums on the chart, but none of the other artists come even close to the popularity of Vollenweider’s latest offering – which was released on October 2nd. There’s never a dull moment in New Age music 🙂

New Age Music Chart (NAMC)

Name // Album // Score // Months in Chart

1. Matthew Mayer – 16670 (10) (2)



2. Cheryl B. Engelhardt – Luminary (9.8) (2)



3. BlueMonk & Michael Whalen – Karmic Dreams (9.7) (1)

4. Svara – SVARA (9.5) (2)


5. Juan Sánchez – Now The Silence (9.2) (1)

6. Sangeeta Kaur – Illuminance (9.0) (1)

7. Osmunda Music – Sending My Love (8.8) (2)

8. Enya – Dark Sky Island (8.6) (36)

9.  A Domo Music Compilation (Various Artists) – RELAX (1) (8.5)



10. Kirsten Agresta Copely – Around the Sun (8.4) (3)


See the chart for:
August 2020
July 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018

The score is based on two factors; (1) The popularity of an artist’s tag on, and (2) Number of requests for songs from an album, to be played on New Age Stars/

Above picture licensed to by Shutterstock.