New Age Music Chart – July 2020


These are strange times indeed, but one thing seems certain: music has become more important to us over the last few months. All ten albums on the New Age Music chart for July contain music that soothes the mind and body – and creates a stress-reducing ambiance – just what we need in this time of crisis. 

Looking at the below list, I feel confident that this is one of the best ever. Kirsten Agresta Copely’s Around the Sun is doing extremely well. In our review, we wrote that the album “is a rediscovery of the harp – an instrument we all know well but somehow have lost touch with. The album is brimming with artistry and the recording itself is worthy of a reward or two.” Enya is of course here, and Secret Garden and Suzanne Doucet too.

In other news, EverSound is back with a compilation that celebrates the magic of one of the finest, and most popular instruments ever – the Guitar. And when The Dalai Lama recently released his album Inner World, it was obvious that Enya was no longer the most famous New Age music artist on the planet…

New Age Music Chart (NAMC)

July 2020

Name // Album // Score // Months in Chart


1. Kirsten Agresta Copely – Around the Sun (10.0) (1)



2. The Dalai Lama – Inner World (9.9) (1)



3. Strings of Beauty – The EverSound Guitar Collection (9.5) (1)



4. Jim Ottaway – When Eternity Touches Time (9.3) (1)



5. Nicholas Gunn – Pacific Blue (9.1) (4)



6. Enya – Dark Sky Island (8.9) (34)



7. Shunia – Akal (8.4) (2)



8. Suzanne Doucet – Reflecting Light Vol. I and II (8.2) (1)



9. Secret Garden – Nocturne – The 25th Anniversary Collection (8.1) (1)



10. Richard Shulman – Life Seasons (8.0) (1)



See the chart for:
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018

The score is based on two factors; (1) The popularity of an artist’s tag on, and (2) Number of requests for songs from an album, to be played on New Age Stars/

Above picture licensed to by Shutterstock.