New Age Music Chart – January 2020


New year, new music! On the top of the January 2020 New Age Music chart is the Mindful Music Association’s “A Better Life” compilation. It will be exciting to follow what this association can do for this genre and musical expression in the years to come. Talking about expression; Michael Kollwitz & Walton Mendelson have some truly groundbreaking music for us in “The Stick EWI Project”. Another jewel on this month’s list is Scott Cossu’s “Memories of Water and Light”.  

Enya is still going strong. Her Spotify playlist “Christmas Secrets” is doing very well, and her millions of fans do not seem to mind that it is a digital-only release. This recent success is why we don’t think 2020 will bring a new Enya album. But we got plenty of other new music, just check out the below list!

New Age Music Chart (NAMC)

January 2020

Name // Album // Score // Months in Chart

1. Compilation – A Better Life – An Introduction to the Mindful Music Association (10.0) (1)

2. Michael Kollwitz & Walton Mendelson The Stick EWI Project (9.8) (1)

3. Enya – Christmas Secrets (9.5) (2)

4. Byron Metcalf & Jennifer Grais – Sacrament (9.2) (1)

5. Blue Landscapes III: Frontiers (8.8) (1)

6. Enya – Dark Sky Island (8.6) (28)


7. David Helpling – RUNE (8.3) (2)

8. Karen Biehl – C’est La Vie (8.2) (1)

9. Scott Cossu – Memories of Water and Light (8.1) (1)

10. Ancient Voices – Under Open Sky (7.9) (1)

See the chart for:
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018

The score is based on two factors; (1) The popularity of an artist’s tag on, and (2) Number of requests for songs from an album, to be played on New Age Stars.

Pitcture by Larisa Koshkina – License: CC0 Public Domain